
26 years of gallery activity by Valmore studio d'arte - path through artists and works

ITINERARY n.1: dialogue among optical-kinetic generations
Opening 04/12/2021 5.30 pm
Closing 31/03/2022
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza


Pavilion 11 | Booth B16-C15
Opening 15/10/2021 15/10/2021 11:00 - 14:00 preview - 14:00 - 19:00 open to public 16-17/10/2021 11:00 - 19:00
Closing 17/10/2021
Veronafiere S.p.A. - Viale del Lavoro 8, 37135 Verona


Pavillion 11 Booth B16-C15
Opening 11/10/2019 11.00-14.00 preview - from 14.00 public
Closing 13/10/2019
Veronafiere S.p.A. viale del Lavoro 8 - Verona

Joël Stein and the friends of the GRAV

Opening 23/11/2018 6.00 pm
Closing 18/01/2019
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

Economic Dynamic

A Journey on optical and kinetic Art
Opening 23/03/2017
Closing 26/05/2017
Four Partners, Milano

François Morellet - Getulio Alviani

Opening 28/09/2007 6.00 pm
Closing 07/12/2007
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

The G.R.A.V.

"Complexity" as experimentation
Opening 18/10/2003 4.30 pm
Closing 24/01/2004
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

Valmore studio d’arte s.r.l. Vicenza - Venice, Italy / P.IVA 02465670244 CreditsLegal Marks