
Art and Geometry

How geometry informs art - first part
Opening 17/05/2024 6.30 p.m.
Closing 28/06/2024
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

The Tricked Eye

How art by playing constructs reality
Opening 02/12/2022 6.00 p.m.
Closing 03/03/2023
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

26 years of gallery activity by Valmore studio d'arte - path through artists and works

ITINERARY n.1: dialogue among optical-kinetic generations
Opening 04/12/2021 5.30 pm
Closing 31/03/2022
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

Edoer Agostini

Works of the 70s-80s
Opening 30/01/2009 at 6 p.m.
Closing 07/03/2009
Valmore studio d'arte, Vicenza

Valmore studio d’arte s.r.l. Vicenza - Venice, Italy / P.IVA 02465670244 CreditsLegal Marks